Arts District Irving, Texas
The demographics of a place can be a fair indicator of how ‘neighborly’ a place is. 44% of the households in Arts District are renter-occupied. Quality of life is subjective and can depend on a variety of things. While some home buyers might want a walkable city that offers ample things to do closer to where they live, others might prefer the suburbs with their tranquil streets, peace, and quiet, and proximity to open spaces and nature. For some, the idea of being car-dependent is unacceptable, while for others, a reasonable drive time to their favorite weekend hangout is a dream come true.
Arts District, Irving has a walk score of 40, a bike score of 42, and a transit score of 29. Most errands require a car.
Public transit in Arts District, Irving is provided by Dallas Area Rapid transit (bus). There are 18 Dallas Area Rapid Transit bus stops in Arts District, Irving. The nearest airport is Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The freeways nearest to Arts District, Irving are TX-183 Express and TX-183.
Since perspective can make a difference, independent bodies like Niche assign ratings to schools and are commonly used by parents to make a decision. However, you are encouraged to verify these ratings through other sources including visiting the campus.
It is not surprising to note that places with highly-rated public schools tend to have relatively higher home prices because of the perpetual demand for those neighborhoods. If you have children or plan on having them in the future, checking out the nearby schools and their ratings is a good idea. Great Hearts Irving (#12 in metro) is among 2 C and higher-rated public elementary schools in the district. Great Hearts Irving (#6 in metro) is among 2 C and higher-rated public middle schools in the district. There are 2 B+ and higher-rated public high schools in the district.
For households with kids, accessibility to nearby parks, playgrounds, daycare centers as well as highly-rated preschools is key. There are a few parks and playgrounds in Arts District, Irving, including Thomas Jefferson Park, Cottonwood Creek Park, and Northwest Park. These playgrounds provide great recreational facilities for kids, as well as adults. Families can enjoy a nice picnic under the shade in the summer months, or walk along the trail for a weekend activity with the kids.
Proximity to good daycare centers is extremely important, especially if the parents have a full-time jobs. For young families, there are plenty of options for childcare in Arts District, Irving, including Prestigious Learning Academy, Allison’s Clubhouse, Kumon Math and Reading Center of Irving – Central, and Avalon Memory Care. Proximity to urgent care centers such as Direct Orthopedic Care, Integra Urgent Care – Irving, and MedSpring Urgent Care – Las Colinas is also a plus.