Cardinal Village – Irving, Texas

Cardinal Village is a neighborhood in Irving. The population of Cardinal Village is 2,847 with 52% males and 48% females, and a median age of 31.

34% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with children, 27% single-female families, 26% single-male families, and 46% couples. The average household size in Cardinal Village is 2.67, and the average family size is 3.34.

The median household income for residents of Cardinal Village, Irving is $54,958, while the median individual income is $29,147. About 80% of residents have finished high school, 17% have completed some form of college, but have no degree, 7% have an associate degree, 24% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 9% have completed graduate school.

There are several types of homes for sale in Cardinal Village, Irving such as Single Family Homes, and Condominiums. The median home price is $510,428.


The population of Cardinal Village is 2847 with 52% males and 48% females, and a median age of 31. 57% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with 27% single-female families, 26% single-male families, and 46% couple families. The average household size in Cardinal Village is 2.67, and the average family size is 3.34.

Homes in Cardinal Village

The age of homes for sale in Cardinal Village ranges from the 1970s through the late 1980s and features everything from ranch to Mediterranean architecture. The size of homes varies from 1,560 to over 2,800 square feet of living space and offers from three to six bedrooms with up to three-car garages. Modern kitchens include all the latest amenities from granite countertops to water filtration systems.

Open-concept layouts create the perfect space for entertaining and rich interiors such as stone fireplaces, crown molding, and hand-crafted millwork add a touch of elegance. For decades, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolis has experienced growth, as well as its surrounding suburbs like Irving, and people, turn to Irving real estate for residential housing and quality-built homes such as those found in Cardinal Village. Located just a few miles east of DFW International Airport, residents who travel enjoy the proximity to the airport. Other reasons more people are finding their way to this great suburb involve great job opportunities with Irving supporting over 8500 businesses as well as attracting foreign investments.

For households with kids, accessibility to nearby parks, playgrounds, daycare centers as well as highly-rated preschools is key. There are a few parks and playgrounds in Cardinal Village, Irving, including Thomas Jefferson Park, Birds Fort Trail Park, and Cottonwood Creek Park. These playgrounds provide great recreational facilities for kids, as well as adults. Families can enjoy a nice picnic under the shade in the summer months, or walk along the trail for a weekend activity with the kids.

Proximity to good daycare centers is extremely important, especially if the parents have a full-time jobs. For young families in Cardinal Village, Irving, childcare options include Kumon Math and Reading Center of Irving – Central, Allison’s Clubhouse, Nurse Next Door, and Villages on MacArthur. Proximity to urgent care centers such as Direct Orthopedic Care, Integra Urgent Care – Irving, and MedSpring Urgent Care – Las Colinas is also a plus.


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