Griffin Parc – Frisco, Texas

Located on Eldorado Parkway, north of Teel, is the Griffin Parc neighborhood.  The small, planned community is home to two exemplary schools and is the only community to boast two city parks within the neighborhood.

Griffin Parc is a neighborhood in Frisco. The population of Griffin Parc is 1,259 with 49% males and 51% females, and a median age of 32.

56% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with children, 18% by single-female families, 9% by single-male families, and 73% by couples. The average household size in Griffin Parc is 3.15, and the average family size is 3.49.

The median household income for residents of Griffin Parc, Frisco is $129,274, while the median individual income is $65,122. About 98% of residents have finished high school, 16% have completed some form of college, but have no degree, 7% have an associate degree, 41% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 25% have completed graduate school.


It is not surprising to note that places with highly-rated public schools tend to have relatively higher home prices because of the perpetual demand for those neighborhoods. If you have children or plan on having them in the future, checking out the nearby schools and their ratings is a good idea.

In the neighborhood, Pink Elementary and Griffin Middle School, both rated as Exemplary schools by the Texas Education Agency, are located in the center and the houses form a horseshoe shape around them.  Within walking distance from Griffin Parc is Wakeland High School, so families with children of all ages will have their bases covered.

Pink and Griffin Middle both boast high participation in the PTAs and school activities because the schools are inside the neighborhood. Extracurricular activities at Wakeland also have their participation boosted because parents and children live close by.

Other schools in Griffin are: Purefoy Elementary School (#74 in the state) among 3 A+/A rated public elementary schools in the district. Griffin Middle School (#23 in the metro) is among 2 B+ and higher-rated public middle schools in the district. Wakeland High School (#17 in the metro) is among 3 B+ and higher-rated public high schools in the district.


Griffin Parc, Frisco has 2 parks, Boals Elementary Playground and Little Humans Big Fun. These playgrounds provide great recreational facilities for kids, as well as adults. Families can enjoy a nice picnic under the shade in summer months, or walk along the trail for a weekend activity with the kids.

Proximity to good daycare centers is extremely important, especially if the parents have a full-time jobs. For young families in Griffin Parc, Frisco, childcare options include Kiddie Academy of Little Elm, Newman Village Discovery Center, Legacy Montessori Academy, and Creme de la Creme. Proximity to urgent care centers such as Texas Health Breeze Urgent Care, Pediatric Urgent Care Center of North Texas, and Metro Urgent Care is also a plus.

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