Wildwood Keller – Keller, Texas
Wake up under a canopy of trees, every morning to a sun-dappled day in a wide open space. Look out your window upon a splendid expanse of land, a view of wooded acreage you thought was a thing of the past. Know that you’ve finally found the room you’ve needed…room to think, room to breathe, room for you and those you love.
Awaken to the woodlands of Wildwood in Keller…prime property, interspersed with ponds and trails, playgrounds and sports, pool and cabana…all tucked away in the leisurely town of Keller, Texas, between Dallas and Fort Worth. Who would dream you’re twenty minutes from airports, around the corner from prestigious schools, and near the finest shopping, dining, and entertainment?
Whether you’re making a lifestyle transition or simply escaping the constraints of the city, indulge yourself with one of our premier half-acre homes. Remember what it’s like to spread out in a comfortable neighborhood with easy friendships, where family and loved ones find the sanctuary to enjoy each other’s company.
Wildwood Keller is a neighborhood in Keller. The population of Wildwood Keller is 134 with 49% males and 50% females, and a median age of 41.
38% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with children, 7% by single-female families, 7% by single-male families, and 86% by couples. The average household size in Wildwood Keller is 3.15, and the average family size is 3.39.
The median household income for residents of Wildwood Keller, Keller is $192,844, while the median individual income is $76,500. About 98% of residents have finished high school, 18% have completed some form of college, but have no degree, 6% have an associate degree, 37% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 24% have completed graduate school.
There are several types of homes for sale in Wildwood Keller, Keller such as Single Family Homes, and Condominiums. The median home price is $119,971.
The population of Wildwood Keller is 134 with 49% males and 50% females, and a median age of 41. 86% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with 7% single-female families, 7% single-male families, and 86% couple families. The average household size in Wildwood Keller is 3.15, and the average family size is 3.39.
Restaurants Nearby
You can get takeout tacos from Chipotle Mexican Grill or Maria Cuca’s or burgers from Hopdoddy Southlake or BottleCap Alley Icehouse Grill in Wildwood Keller. If you’d rather sit down, check out Hopdoddy Southlake, Ristorante Mulino, or Vinny’s Italian Restaurant.