Paschall Park – Mesquite, Texas

Paschall Park offers a relaxing green space that includes lighted softball fields, football fields, picnic tables, and a large pavilion. This park is an ideal spot for a family picnic or celebration. The pet-friendly, interactive butterfly trail offers a short, brisk walk.

Within the park is an excellent nine-hole disc golf course for beginners and is also challenging for more advanced disc golfers. The well-maintained 2094’ course is short with open fairways, rolling terrain, and mature trees.

Paschall Park is a neighborhood in Mesquite. The population of Paschall Park is 697 with 42% males and 57% females, and a median age of 39.

31% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with children, 32% single-female families, 9% single-male families, and 59% couples. The average household size in Paschall Park is 2.88, and the average family size is 3.27.

The median household income for residents of Paschall Park, Mesquite is $69,276, while the median individual income is $32,380. About 91% of residents have finished high school, 29% have completed some form of college, but have no degree, 4% have an associate degree, 16% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 12% have completed graduate school.

There are several types of homes for sale in Paschall Park, Mesquite such as Single Family Homes, and Condominiums. The median home price is $164,885.

The population of Paschall Park is 697 with 42% males and 57% females, and a median age of 39. 68% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with 32% single-female families, 9% single-male families, and 59% couple families. The average household size in Paschall Park is 2.88, and the average family size is 3.27.

If you have children or plan on having them in the future, checking out the nearby schools and their ratings is a good idea. There are 2 C and higher-rated public elementary schools in the district. There are 3 C and higher-rated public middle schools in the district. There are 3 C and higher-rated public high schools in the district.

Choosing an area with good school rating consistency is important. While the area you’re looking at right now might have great elementary schools for your young children, it’s well worth examining the middle and high schools they’ll grow up to attend. The nearby elementary school, middle school, and high school quality ratings from Niche are very similar. If you have children and desire a consistent school experience as they grow up, this neighborhood may be a good place to plant long-term roots.

There are also plenty of dining options for the residents of Paschall Park, Mesquite. You can grab your morning cup of coffee from Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, or Mesquite Diner. Dessert shops like Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Store, Dairy Queen, and Panera Bread in Paschall Park, Mesquite are great options for satisfying your sweet tooth. Residents love to order tacos from Dos Panchas, cafe del Rio, or Posadas Cafe and burgers from Burger Street, Whataburger, or SONIC Drive-In. Whataburger, Griff’s Hamburgers, or Scrumbscious Burger & Pie Company are some great spots for a fun dine-in experience.

Paschall Park, Mesquite has quite a few grocery stores including Walmart Neighborhood Market, Sprouts Farmers Market, and Tom Thumb.


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