Saddlebrook Estates – Keller, Texas

Saddlebrook Estates is a neighborhood in Keller. The population of Saddlebrook Estates is 605 with 45% males and 55% females, and a median age of 42.

33% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with children, 30% by single-female families, 14% by single-male families, and 55% by couples. The average household size in Saddlebrook Estates is 2.53, and the average family size is 3.07.

The median household income for residents of Saddlebrook Estates, Keller is $78,320, while the median individual income is $41,326. About 91% of residents have finished high school, 17% have completed some form of college, but have no degree, 6% have an associate degree, 30% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 14% have completed graduate school.

There are several types of homes for sale in Saddlebrook Estates, Keller such as Single Family Homes, and Condominiums. The median home price is $687,628.


The population of Saddlebrook Estates is 605 with 45% males and 55% females, and a median age of 42. 64% of this neighborhood is occupied by families with 30% single-female families, 14% single-male families, and 55% couple families. The average household size in Saddlebrook Estates is 2.53, and the average family size is 3.07.

Walkable Neighborhood

Taking that into account, it would be great to know what amenities are available in the neighborhood, and whether you can complete most of your daily tasks on foot. Saddlebrook Estates, Keller has a walk score of 36 and a bike score of 38. Most errands require a car.

The nearest airport is Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.


It is not surprising to note that places with highly-rated public schools tend to have relatively higher home prices because of the perpetual demand for those neighborhoods. If you have children or plan on having them in the future, checking out the nearby schools and their ratings is a good idea.

There are 4 A+/A rated public elementary schools in the district. Indian Springs Middle School (#209 in the state), Bear Creek Intermediate School (#218 in the state), and Keller Middle School (#208 in the state) are among 6 A+/A rated public middle schools in the district. Keller High School (#39 in metro), Keller High School (#39 in metro) among high schools in the district.

Parks and Playground

There are a few parks and playgrounds in Saddlebrook Estates, Keller, including Pie Five Pizza Co, Johnson Road Park, and Bear Creek Park. These playgrounds provide great recreational facilities for kids, as well as adults. Families can enjoy a nice picnic under the shade in summer months, or walk along the trail for a weekend activity with the kids.


There are also plenty of dining options for the residents of Saddlebrook Estates, Keller. You can grab your morning cup of coffee from 151 Coffee Keller, Cocoa Confections, or Kahunas and sit down for a relaxed weekend brunch at Chick-fil-A or Juice Junkies. Dessert shops like Donna’s Donuts, The Ice Cream Place, and Andy’s Frozen Custard in Saddlebrook Estates, Keller are great options for satisfying your sweet tooth.

Residents love to order tacos from Baja Grill, LA Burger, or Taco Casa and burgers from Bottlecap Alley Icehouse Grill, Independence Elementary Playground, or MOOYAH Burgers, Fries & Shakes. Stevie’s Diner, BottleCap Alley Icehouse Grill, or Lupe’s Tex Mex Grill are some great spots for a fun dine-in experience.

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