Sherwood Forest – Mesquite, Texas
If you’re considering moving to Sherwood Forest, Mesquite, there are several ways for you to identify if Sherwood Forest is a good fit for you.
The demographics of a place can be a fair indicator of how ‘neighborly’ a place is. Sherwood Forest has a neighborly feel with 72% owner-occupied homes and average household size of 3.6 members.
While some home buyers might want a walkable city that offers ample things to do closer to where they live, others might prefer the suburbs with their tranquil streets, peace, and quiet, and proximity to open spaces and nature. For some, the idea of being car-dependent is unacceptable, while for others, a reasonable drive time to their favorite weekend hangout is a dream come true.
Taking that into account, it would be great to know what amenities are available in the neighborhood, and whether you can complete most of your daily tasks on foot. Sherwood Forest, Mesquite has a walk score of 19 and a bike score of 33. Almost all errands require a car.
The nearest airport is Dallas Love Field Airport. The freeway nearest to Sherwood Forest, Mesquite is I-635.
It is not surprising to note that places with highly-rated public schools tend to have relatively higher home prices because of the perpetual demand for those neighborhoods. If you have children or plan on having them in the future, checking out the nearby schools and their ratings is a good idea. There are 2 A+/A/A- rated public elementary schools in the district.
Irma Lerma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School (#88 in-state), George Bannerman Dealey Montessori (#284 in-state) are among 9 A+/A/A- rated public middle schools in the district. Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing & Visual Arts (#13 in metro), School of Science & Engineering (#2 in metro), Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet School (#48 in metro) are among 7 A+/A rated public high schools in the district.
Choosing an area with good school rating consistency is important. While the area you’re looking at right now might have great elementary schools for your young children, it’s well worth examining the middle and high schools they’ll grow up to attend. The nearby elementary school, middle school and high school quality ratings from Niche are very similar. If you have children and desire a consistent school experience as they grow up, this neighborhood may be a good place to plant long-term roots.
There are also plenty of dining options for the residents of Sherwood Forest, Mesquite. You can grab your morning cup of coffee from SONIC Drive-In, Shipley Do-Nuts, or Lindy’s Home Cooking. Dessert shops like El Palote Panaderia, Panera Bread, and Dairy Queen in Sherwood Forest, Mesquite are great options for satisfying your sweet tooth. Residents love to order tacos from Dos Panchas, cafe del Rio, or Gonzalez Restaurant and burgers from Griff’s Hamburgers, Whataburger, or Five Guys. Tucker’s Grill & Taquiera, Dos Panchas, or cafe del rio are some great spots for a fun dine-in experience.